Dear Student,


In the end Catalonia did not move into section 2 of the “Plan for the progressive opening of activities” on Monday 7 December, as the health authorities considered that the epidemiological conditions had not been met in order to do so. This suggests that it will be difficult to reach section 4 by January 7, which is when universities would be able to return to in-class activities. In that case, at the beginning of the term physical attendance will be limited to the practical classes which are carried out in technical spaces and laboratories, and small format activities such as seminars or tutorials.


The aim of the TecnoCampus is to return to in-class teaching as soon as possible or, at least, to continue with the hybrid model of face-to-face and virtual classes should the restrictions persist. In any case, TecnoCampus is ready to guarantee quality teaching and to accompany you with the best conditions in your learning process.


We will be monitoring the indications of the "Plan for the progressive opening of activities" and we will keep you fully informed. In the meantime, we hope that, despite the circumstances, you have made the most of this term’s classes, given in such an extraordinary context. We would also like to thank you for the extra effort you have had to make with this adjustment.


We wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


TecnoCampus Academic Committee


Consult the website which has been specially-created to provide all the necessary information to the TecnoCampus educational community.

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